[Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. As a Holistic Health and Life coach, I am not providing healthcare, medical, or therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issues. Always use your discernment and always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.]

* This course was written by Cathleen M. Rose.  No AI technologies were used for the writing of this course. *


You are not meant to live in the darkness forever.

The dark days are meant to teach you things that you forgot about yourself.

In fact, those dark days are part of the Ascension process and you are meant to navigate through that darkness to find the light in your soul.

You are just experiencing something known as the Dark Night of the Soul, which is an extremely difficult and painful time within your life.  Sometimes this time period is designed to help you grow through your shadows to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The Dark Night of the Soul is designed to help you heal the darkest pieces of you that are buried within from this lifetime and often connected to past lifetimes.  Each time you experience the Dark Night of the Soul, you are meant to shift out of it more quickly each time.

Whether you are completely lost or feel like you do not belong here on Earth, know that you are 100% meant to be here.  These dark days in your life may also be caused by grief or severe heartbreak.


Guidance to discover who you are and where you are meant to be.

Shed Darkness

Learn how to navigate through the darkness in your life.

Deep Breathing

Inhale the light of peace and love, exhale the darkness.

In this masterclass, you will:

  • receive guidance on how to discover who you are
  • receive guidance on why you may be experiencing these dark days
  • receive guidance on how to possibly navigate through your dark days
  • learn how to breathe through the dark days and possibly create a balance within yourself
  • receive guidance on how to discover where you are meant to be
  • learn how to strengthen and utilize your intuition
  • receive a 30-minute pre-recorded video presentation
  • receive a "Daily Wellness Check" worksheet
  • receive a workbook filled with questions to help you work through the darkness
  • receive a grounding meditation
  • receive guidance through mindset work
  • a private Support Group within Cathleen Rose's Community here on the Kajabi platform


[Disclosure: Your results depend on the work you put into this course. You may absorb some, or all, of the information within this course.]

Hi! I'm Cathleen Rose.

I completely know what it is like to live within the darkest days of your life -- through extreme heartbreak to loss of a friend on my birthday to feeling completely out of place here on Earth.

Every experience was different.  But one thing I know for sure is that it was all related to one common denominator.  

And here within this workshop I will teach it all to you so that you can begin to see the light at the end of what may seem like your very dark tunnel.

Are You Ready to Rise From the Ashes?

If you are ready to take on a different perspective,
don't stay in the darkness any longer.
Gain immediate access.


Register Now for $79 USD!

Need a payment plan?  One is offered below.

* Disclaimer: This course should be taken parallel with, or after the completion of, therapy. *

Payment Plans


If needed, choose a payment plan that best meets your needs.

* Disclaimer: By choosing a payment plan, you are agreeing to fulfill ALL of the payments. If a payment fails, your access will be immediately revoked.  Multiple missed payments without communication collects on your negative karma.


* At this time, Cathleen Rose does not charge interest on Payment Plans. *

Payment Plan #1
The '2 Month' Plan

Total $79 USD


* You will be charged $39.50 USD today + 1 more payment of $39.50 USD automatically one month from today.

2 Monthly Payments of $39.50 USD
Payment Plan #2
The '4 Month' Plan

Total $79 USD


* You will be charged $19.75 USD today + 3 more payment of $19.75 USD automatically one month from today.

4 Monthly Payments of $19.75 USD
Payment Plan #3
The '5 Month' Plan

Total $79 USD


* You will be charged $15.80 USD today + 4 more payment of $15.80 USD automatically one month from today.

5 Monthly Payments of $15.80 USD