You Have Psychic Abilities

#psychic abilities #spiritual awakening #spirituality Apr 12, 2022

Everyone in this world has psychic abilities, including you!


Every human being came to Earth with psychic abilities.  However, everyone forgets his/her psychic abilities around the age of 7, and it is up to you after that to relearn your gifts and find your way.  


* Most of the newer babies being born, as of 2020, are an exception to this.  These babies will not forget their gifts. *


However, either you:

  1. already know you do and are afraid to let them be known, or
  2. you are not aware of your psychic abilities as of yet.  


In this article, eleven psychic abilities are listed.  As you read the rest of this article, take a moment to reflect on each psychic ability to see if you have ever experienced the psychic ability.  Some of the experiences may go all the way back to your childhood.



An empath is a person who is able to feel a person's mental and emotional state.  Some empath's can feel these things while they next to a person, while other's can feel these things from a very far distance.

Here are some things to ask yourself:

  • When I stand next to someone, am I able to understand how (s)he is feeling?
  • When I talk on the phone with someone, am I able to understand how (s)he is feeling?



Clairaudience is the ability to hear what spirit, your guides, angels, and others are saying without words being spoken.  

These words can be heard while you are sitting alone in a room quiet, actively doing something, or during meditation.

Here are some things to ask yourself: 

  • When I am meditating, do I hear words being spoken to me?
  • When I am alone, do I hear words being spoken when no one else is around?



Clairvoyance is the ability to see things in the past, present, and future.  You can receive visions that happened in your past, present, and future, as well as someone else's.

This is a gift of many psychic mediums.

Here are some things to ask yourself: 

  • When I am in meditation, can I see things that lie within the galaxy?
  • When I am in meditation, can I see visions of my past, present, or future?
  • When I am in meditation, can I see other people's visions of their past, present, or future?
  • When someone asks me a personal question about his/her life, can I see visions about what will happen in regards to their question?
  • Can I see spirits walking around?

Additional information: A Past Life Regression can help you see your past.  This includes past lives.  Past Life Regressions are excellent for healing, as well as understanding and clearing your karma.



Clairsentience is the ability to feel things from the past, present, and future.  You are able close your eyes and feel exactly how a situation was, is, or will be.

You may even be able to feel as though someone is with you even though no one is visible.

Here are some things to ask yourself: 

  • Can I close my eyes and look back at a situation (whether it is my situation or someone else's) and feel what the situation was like?
  • Can I close my eyes and look at a situation (whether it is my situation or someone else's) and feel what the situation is like?
  • Can I close my eyes and look at a situation (whether it is my situation or someone else's) and feel what the situation will be like?
  • Can I sit in a room and feel a spirit?
  • When I walk through a cemetery, I can feel all of the spirits walking around?



Claircognizance is the inner, and gut feeling, knowing that something is real and will happen.  

Claircognizance is also being able to connect to your body and knowing that something is right or wrong.  Also known as discernment.

Here are some things to ask yourself:

  • Do I get sick when something feels wrong?
  • When something feels right, do I feel good?
  • Do I get a gut feeling that something is going to happen, and then it happens?
  • Do I listen to my gut when I am trying to make decisions?



Clairscent is the ability to smell something that is not around you, or even near you.

Many times you will spend time trying to figure out where the smell is coming from instead of stepping back and thinking about 'who' that smell is coming from.

For example, after my grandfather left Earth, I would constantly still smell garlic, which is what he always smelled of due to eating cloves of garlic every morning.

Here are some things to ask yourself:

  • Do I notice smells while the source of the scent is not around me?
  • Do I sit back and recall who the scent is coming from instead of where the scent is coming from?



Telepathy is the ability to communicate with another without words - basically mind-reading.

Everyone can communicate telepathically, but you cannot communicate telepathically with everyone.  You can only communicate telepathically with the people who are on your frequency and within your soul group/family.

In time as everyone elevates, this will change.

Telepathy is also doing something for someone without the person speaking out or asking.  You may do it ask just moments before, or at the very exact moment, that (s)he was going to ask.

Those in higher frequency relationships communicate telepathically by answering questions out loud even though the partner only asked the question in his/her mind.

Here are some things to ask yourself:

  • Who do I do things for before (s)he asks and then (s)he says "I was just about to ask you to do that"?
  • Who do I answer questions to before (s) asks and then (s)he says "I was just about ask you about that?"
  • Who answers my question without me having to ask?
  • Who responds to something I am thinking about without me saying anything?



Telekinesis is the ability to move objects with your mind.

Yes, just like Matilda.

This is definitely a rare and unique gift.

Here are some things to ask yourself:

  • When I focus on an object, I can move the object without touching it?



Apportation is the ability to make an object appear or disappear without touching it. 

Kind of like a magician, but you can make the object disappear, and then reappear in another room or leave it sitting in the astral planes until you are ready to retrieve it.

This is also a very rare and unique gift.

Here are some things to ask yourself:

  • If I stare at an object, I can make an object disappear and reappear?



Mediumship is the ability to communicate with people who have departed from Earth.

Most souls travel between the realms freely.

It is possible to be able to see souls walking the Earth as well for some of you.

Many times a soul who departed Earth will communicate with you through your dreams if you are not aware of this gift yet.

Here are some things to ask yourself:

  • Has someone visited me in a dream after (s)he left Earth?
  • Have I had a full conversation with someone during a dream after (s)he left Earth?
  • Do I notice dark figures around me even though no one is there?
  • When I am deep in meditation, and I call in a person who left Earth to join me, I can communicate with him/her?



Psychometry is the ability to hold an object, especially an older object, and see who originally owned the object.

Psychometry can only be done through meditating with the object in your hand.  And the object will tell you it's entire life story.

Here are some things to ask yourself:

  • When I meditate with an object, I am able to see the stories pertaining to its owners?


Now, to be able to receive/notice these gifts, you have to trust what you are receiving is correct.  Do not dismiss anything you receive.  Trust it without fear.


Want assistance in discovering who you are on a deeper level?  Join Alignment to Ascension today to heal, shed layers, and discover who you truly are.


Happy Discovering!


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