Why 'Just Settling' is Damaging the Earth

divine love high vibration just settling love marriage relationships Mar 13, 2022

Your ancestors began this 'just settling' energy, and I am here to tell you that you are here to break the cycle of the 'just settling' energy.


This 'just settling' energy began for one (or more) of the following reasons:

  • financial support
  • support with raising children from another marriage
  • just to have a roof over his/her head
  • having a child out of wedlock
  • forced to marry young to off-set financial burden
  • forced to marry by family members


Either way, this 'just settling' energy was a means for survival.


And, little did your ancestors know at the time, but ... it was one of things that began to damage the Earth.


The 'just settling' energy has been sucking the true divine love and life out of the Earth.  You see, when a couple 'just settles' there is no true divine chemistry between both partners. 


The Earth wants true divine love and chemistry for all souls that walk this Earth.  The Earth is craving it.  Why?  Because love is the highest vibration you can reach here on Earth.


So ... if you are 'just settling', you are lowering the vibration of the Earth.


How is the 'Just Settling' Energy Happening Today?


Though your ancestors started it, the reasons your ancestors started the 'just settling' energy is still occurring today.


There are many people who are 'just settling' for support and to meet survival needs.


However, many people today are also 'just settling' for these reasons:

  • to run away from a living situation, including the home they grew up in
  • their biological clock is running out (only to find out they struggle to reproduce with the partner they just settled with - in most cases)
  • fear of being alone 


How Do I Break the 'Just Settling' Energy?


You wait.


Does this mean you sit still and do not date?


Absolutely not!


You date and take the time to figure out what you do and do not want in a significant other.


But you keep dating until you find someone who you have chemistry - the chemistry that fills every single cell in your body - with and matches what you desire. 


The Earth needs love.


Truth be told ... we all need love, especially since what we are doing here on Earth is definitely not working - nor is what we are doing serving our highest good.


In order to achieve the vibration of love here on Earth, you must achieve the love within your first.


Are you ready to begin your journey to pure divine love?  I invite you to book a 1:1 1-hour Complimentary Call today!


Love Infinitely,

Cathleen M. Rose <3



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