The Power of Decluttering

clutter declutter energy healing Apr 01, 2022

Hey you!


Yes, you!


You know you have clutter somewhere in your home that is driving you bonkers.


But instead, you keep looking at it and saying, "tomorrow is another day".


Yes.  Tomorrow is another day, but ... today is THE day.


It is time to begin decluttering.  


But first, what is clutter?  Clutter is anything in your house that is stacked and untouched for at least a month; an area that just continues to stock-pile every week.


How Clutter Affects You


That clutter that you keep looking at is making you miserable and - quite possibly - sick.


What you do not realize is that clutter weighs you down. 


How?  Because clutter creates stale, stagnant energy within your home.  In other words, clutter blocks the energy from flowing into, and through, your home freely.


When the energy cannot flow through your home it eventually drains the energy within you.


How to Clear the Clutter When You Have No Motivation


Most of the time the clutter stacks because you have no motivation to take care of it.  Sometimes because it is overwhelming.  And other times because you are tired.


Take a deep breath.  You are not alone.


Think about it.  What is the number one cluttered spot (or room) that you would like to tackle - the one that is bothering you the most?


Got it?  Great!  Now today you are going to declutter it.


Turn up some upbeat music, put on comfy clothes, and begin to tackle it.  Music is a great way to increase your motivation.


It is also super beneficial to organize and centralize things as you go along.  It is completely okay to put items inside the room, or near the area, where the items will go to without putting them away.  You can wait until you get to that room to organize those items. 


And, if you really need motivation, make it a game.  For example, if you clean for x about of time, treat yourself to a break, or if you clean one section or room, treat yourself to your favorite dessert.


Depression and Decluttering


Yes, the clutter is a result of your depression, especially if you have entered into a Dark Night of the Soul.


But what you may not realize is that the clutter is making your depression worse.


If you are struggling with depression, pick-up and sort the stuff that is on one small table in your house and declutter just that table.  You can also turn on some music if you'd like.


Then, continue to pick something to declutter daily.   


Odds are once you start to declutter, you may decide to keep going, as it does eventually become addicting because you will begin to feel better.


Benefits of Decluttering


There are a ton of benefits to decluttering!  Some of these benefits are:

  • shifting the energy within your living space
  • allowing the energy to flow more freely
  • you will feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally
  • your living space will feel lighter from being clean
  • your anxiety will decrease because your home is organized


Happy Decluttering!


Love Infinitely

Cathleen M. Rose <3


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