MUST-HAVE'S for Your Relationship in the New Age of the Aquarius

ascension balance divine energy divine feminine divine masculine divine relationships spiritual relationships the new age of the aquarius Aug 24, 2022

As the energies shift into the new Earth, aka The New Age of the Aquarius, relationships are also ascending into higher energies.


It is a time for not settling, healing, and expansion beyond the inevitable.


Here are 10 things that your higher energy relationships must-have in this New Age:


1. A counterpart who is investing in him/herself.

It is important to align yourself to a counterpart who is 100% willing to invest in him/herself to experience personal, mental, and spiritual growth.  

Of course, you should already be doing this yourself, as well.

This investment could be therapy, a personal life coach, and/or online courses that allow you to achieve your personal goals.  There are a ton of options out there to meet and fulfill your needs.

Now you might be asking yourself, 'Why do I have to invest in myself?'  The answer is simple, it is time for you to shift out of the 3D realm.

The purpose of this investment is to provide you healing on a deeper level to heal your wounding at the roots.  And it'll help you make this shift faster.

Besides, in the New Age of the Aquarius a 3D person and a 5D+ person cannot have a harmonious relationship.  A relationship where one counterpart is growing and the other is not, is a relationship that will fail and struggle 100%.


2. A counterpart who supports you fully.

The Age of the Aquarius is about achieving all of your wildest dreams.  All of your dreams are achievable with the correct alignment and the right support.  And, do not let anyone tell you otherwise!  A person who tells you your dreams are not achievable is a 3D person who fears facing his/her own wounding to achieve his/her dreams.

A counterpart must support you in every area of your life without judgement.  The areas of support must be in all of the following areas, but are not limited to: 

  • your own personal growth
  • your own self-love journey, including solo trips, spa trips, nights out with friends, etc.
  • the career you choose 
  • your meditation routine
  • your investments (within yourself, beneficial for the family, etc.)


3. A counterpart that allows you to fly high.

Sometimes this means that you may surpass your counterpart in certain areas, especially when it comes to money.  But it is important that your counterpart is never jealous. Remember, jealousy is ego

So, find yourself a counterpart that allows you to soar without having jealousy.


4. A counterpart who provides a safe space for you to communicate.

Communication is difficult already, and let's face it, you may already have trauma around communication.

Your counterpart should be patient enough with you to allow you to ask questions for clarity without getting mad.  It also means you should be able to say anything you need to without feeling like you are walking on eggshells.

Your counterpart should also ask about things that involve you before proceeding forward, not just for respect, but for allowing that sense of safety.  If a counterpart constantly comes to you and just states what is going to happen without compromise, there is no room for it to become a long-lasting relationship.

You also don't want a counterpart who is always yelling at you, and shouldn't allow that energy into your life.  The yelling is your counterpart projecting his/her wounding on to you.  Do not sit there and absorb it.  It'll lower your high vibration, so search for a counterpart who always talks to you with compassion.


5. A counterpart who is connected to you emotionally.

A counterpart who is connected to your emotional needs is everything ... and I mean everything.  It changes and nurtures the dynamics of the relationship massively.

This means that your counterpart knows what you need without you having to ask.  In fact, the more connected you two are spiritually, the more he/she will meet the need before it is actually needed.  


6.  A counterpart who is already at peace.

There is enough chaos in this world, so find yourself a counterpart who is at peace and has peace within him/herself.

The more peace you are within your relationship, the more peace will prevail here on Earth.  A counterpart who is not at peace that comes into your life, will disturb, and destroy, the peace within yourself.


7.  A counterpart who works as a team.

A team is always needed in a divine relationship, whether you piggyback off of each other or you help each other in other ways.

Part of working as a team also means that your counterpart does things around the house.  It is not supposed to be one-sided.  Your counterpart helps you with dishes, cooking, taking out the trash, laundry, etc.  This includes your counterpart taking care of his/her part of throwing out his/her own garbage, putting his/her own clothes in the dirty laundry basket.

The point is for your counterpart to make your life easier ... not harder.  

And, in the New Age of the Aquarius, a counterpart is not a slave to the other partner.


8. A counterpart who creates balance.

Everything is about balance, beginning with the Divine Energies within you and your partner separately first.  If you did not know, you have both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine Energies within you.  Also, with the right counterpart, while you are standing in your Divine Feminine Energy, you counterpart is standing in his/her Divine Masculine Energy, or vice versa. (More on this at a later date.)

Balance is also needed in other areas in the relationship as well. 

For example:

  • one cooks; the other cleans the dishes
  • one does laundry; the other folds it and puts it away
  • one stays home with the kids when they are sick one day/time; the next day/time the other stays home with the kids
  • one talks; the other listens
  • one talks; the other talks when he/she is done

If there is no balance, especially within the home, you will experience burn-out.  And burn-out isn't fun.  It takes time to bounce back from a burn-out and often leads to sickness.


9.  A counterpart who has compassion and is heart-centered.

Healing is a process.  Growing together is a process.  And, expanding together is a process.

The process requires compassion all around.  Compassion is the ability to hold space for your counterpart from your heart, especially through the healing.  Healing activates old, stagnant energy that needs to be cleared from the body, and it is never pretty.  Healing is ugly, difficult, and painful.  And without compassion the relationship will collapse due to the lack of support and space.

Compassion requires being connected to your heart-space.  Being connected to your heart-space is alignment and it means that you are not in your ego ready to fight all the time.


10.  A counterpart that is connected to God and gratitude (aka the Greater Being, Source, etc.)

Without a connection to God, there cannot be an co-creation on your part.  You are one with God.  If not, you are separated from your true self.  This means that you will not be able to align to your deepest, wildest dreams.

Being connected to God also means that you express gratitude daily.  Whether you are writing a page of gratitude in the morning or at night, saying out loud what you are grateful for on your way to work in the morning, or every time you touch a gratitude rock, gratitude is what brings in more blessings. 

You can even express your gratitude at night with your counterpart.  For example, I was in a relationship where before we fell asleep we would tell each other three things we were grateful for that day.  It changes the dynamic of the relationship creating a stronger connection.

And, don't forget to always be grateful for your counterpart.



Love Infinitely <3

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