A World of Fear

fear root chakra spiritual awakening Mar 04, 2022

Right now there is a massive amount of fear in our world - and, if you are an empath, you can most definitely feel it.  An empath is someone who can feel how another person is feelings without asking.


Fear is a 3-dimensional emotion.  Right now everyone around the world is experiencing a lot of fear in his/her daily life - fear of not being able to support him/herself or the family, fear of his/her street-side business collapsing, fear of the unknown of what is to come, and so much more.


And, if you are experiencing fear right now, know that you are not alone.  There are a lot of people in our world right now who do not feel safe.                                 


Actually, bringing awareness, acknowledgment, and admitting your fear helps shift the energy around fear.  This shift alone can help break-up and release some of your energy around the fear to bring in something positive.


At the moment, this fear that is being infused into you is to keep you in a lower energetic vibration, which is right where you are expected to be so that you can be controlled.


But is does not have to be viewed that way.


You see ... right now, this fear that is on the rise is actually helping everyone around the world as long as (s)he chooses to shift out of it and use it to his/her benefit.  This fear is coming up, or being projected, is to activate everyone's Root Chakra. 


The Root Chakra is the first main Chakra in everyone's body.  It is associated with the color red.  A Chakra is an invisible disc within the body that creates an energetic field of energy.  The Root Chakra is your personal foundation and is responsible for the following things: the emotion of fear, stability, and safety.


Root Chakra Symbol


If your foundation is rocky, it is showing you two things: that your Root Chakra is blocked and that your life is rocky.


Want to learn more about your Root Chakra and how to heal it?  Alignment to Ascension will help you do just that.


By forcing everyone around the world to face his/her fears, as well as fight for survival and stability, it is helping everyone clear that blocked energy out of his/her body to heal and align their Root Chakra.  Therefore, beginning the Spiritual Awakening process, which is where the entire world is heading - a world filled with healing, love, peace, and happiness - where Heaven on Earth will be created.  And, it is closer than you think.


Share in the comments:  What is one thing that is creating fear in your life currently?


It is time for you to conquer your fear.  Everything you always desire is on the other side that fear.  It is just a matter of taking 


If you need further assistance with conquering your fear, I recommend you take Amanda Rose's F*ck Fear online course.  The course will teach you how to kick fear to the side and move past it fully 


And remember, have patience with yourself and those around you because everyone is experiencing fear in one way or another.


Love Infinitely <3


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